Food and Prayer

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Week Six

Me and my Lubbock lawn care buddy, Josh, met up early again to pray about how to implement what we were learning in this group. We also did more surrender of our businesses to God so that He can direct us in which ways to go with our staff and our decisions moving forward. We actually had the Lubbock catering businesswoman named Liz join us for about the last ten minutes. Turns out that she is a Christian who already uses prayer within her leadership group at work. We were happy to have her because she is so experienced with bringing the Lord into the marketplace. It was a short addition this week, but we invited her back for next week and she agreed to join us.

As for the talk of the week, we had a banker who did a few reviews of helpful business books (Outliers, Who moved my Cheese?, Diffusion of Innovations, etc.). It was actually cool because in his reviews he brought out the most important points of these books and showed us how we could implement them in our everyday workings. I have to admit that this was especially nice for me because I do not invest myself in business books. At best, I read the backs of books and maybe the last summary chapter while in a random Barnes and Noble. Then I head to magazine aisle and read meaningless Entertainment and Sports news. Smart businessman, huh?

Anyway, after the talk there were several people who asked some intriguing questions and even more who gave their own suggestions for books that had seemingly changed the way they went about doing business. One of them talked about how to implement the contents of these books into real-life. This was cool because I tend to ignore book ideas because I figured they couldn’t be used in the local market. Now I am thinking I could grab a few books and see if I can become a better businessperson. I am thinking about expanding my staff so I’ll seek out a book that talks about smart human resources.

Okay – that’s it for this week. Please feel free to send your comments about books I might check out for this specifically. Or if a book has changed your life or perspective send those titles my way. This group is teaching me to take other people’s opinions and apply them to my own world. But, I know there are plenty of you out there who can add to my knowledge. Help a brother out…

Till next time –

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